About me

I love exploring…people, places, words, truths.

I love encouraging people toward honesty, toward being their best selves.

Writing is one way I try to live out those loves.

Finding Papa is one of the projects closest to my heart. My grandfather was the kindest man I ever knew. My desire to understand him and present him to the world has uncovered all the things he stuffed: a dad who left, anguish and guilt over atrocities in World War II, and a brother who committed suicide, to name just a few. It’s become a written journey exploring vulnerability and honesty, and my own story and truths are woven through it. I hope to finish it soon and move toward publication.

After spending decades as a pastor, I no longer have that as my job. Our faith community shattered, and I’m still unraveling the shrapnel. Over the last year I’ve immersed myself in the writings of women from the middle ages, mystics like Hildegard of Bingen who have grounded me and given me new (and ancient) spiritual life. I’m taking a spiritual retreat in the place of her birth and life in Germany, and hope to do some writing about that.

And then there’s my blog, a hodgepodge of old sermons, crazy Christmas Carol brackets, attempts at humor, and occasional honest wrestlings. I’ve been at it since 2005, and you’ll find all kinds of stuff if you poke around. Hit the + sign at the bottom of the page for links to recent and old posts, to search, or follow my social media links.

Who am I? I’m Gregg, Elaine’s husband since 1990. I’m also Aubrey, Hayley and Natalie’s dad. I hope you find encouragement and challenge from things I write.


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